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Girl's Day are sexy vixens in red for 'High Cut' magazine

Girl's Day showed a totally different side from their normal one in a pictorial with 'High Cut' magazine.  Rather than going for their sexy or girly, cutesy look, the girls went for a high fashion type of look in matching red outfits and different colored hair!  Sojin and Yura go for the normal shades of brown, but Minah goes for a rosy red and Hyeri is striking as a blonde. These bold new looks and vibes show how the girls continue to mature and develop as a group. 

Pictures were released on May 7 with the concept 'A Woman's Color'.  In the interview, Hyeri talked about her aegyo from 'Real Men', saying, "If I were to tell the truth, I don't think of that as aegyo.  The 'aing' from 'Real Men' is a behavior I often do when I'm crying."

Minah added, "Honestly at the time, Hyeri was venting her frustration.  The members all know."  Yura likewise chimed in, "She especially shows that side a lot when you don't give her food."

Sojin also showed her gratitude during this interview toward Yoo Byung Jae, who had chosen her as his ideal type.  She said, "Honestly, I didn't know what type of person he was in the past at all.  These days, I see him on a couple programs, and I think he's a fun person.  It puts me in a good mood that he mentioned me.  I'm always grateful."

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